Welcome to South Texas Liquor License

We are your go-to source for all your liquor licensing needs in South Texas. Not only do we assist with obtaining liquor licenses for your business, but we also offer additional services to make your life easier.

Parking Site Plans

Some local municipalities require you to submit site plans and floor plans when constructing your business. If you do not have them on hand, we can help you create them.

Business Floor Plans

We will help you create your business floor plan, which is typically required when constructing your business. 

Sales Tax Reports

We also offer sales tax reports to make sure you stay in compliance with all the state and local laws. Our team can assist you in generating reports that accurately reflect your business’s sales tax liability. This way, you can avoid any unnecessary penalties or fees and stay on top of your financial obligations. Some reports we offer are:

  • Sales Tax Reports

  • Mixed Beverage Sales Tax Reports

  • Mixed Beverage Gross Receipts Tax Reports

  • Annual Franchise Tax Report

Conduct Surety Bond

At South Texas Liquor License, we’re here to assist you in obtaining the essential Texas TABC Bond. This surety bond is a mandatory requirement set by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) for individuals and businesses holding licenses to engage in the sale, manufacturing, transportation, or storage of alcoholic beverages within the state. By securing this bond through us, you can rest assured that you’re in full compliance with all state regulations and laws governing the responsible sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages.


Mixed Beverage Sale Tax & Mixed Beverage Gross Receipts Tax Bond

We specialize in obtaining the essential Mixed Beverage Sales Tax and Mixed Beverage Gross Receipts Tax Bonds for Texas businesses, including private clubs, caterers, distillers, and rectifiers, engaged in selling mixed beverages. These bonds are a requirement to ensure compliance with the Texas Tax Code, demonstrating a commitment to pay all related taxes, interests, and penalties. We assist in securing these bonds in the required form for presentation to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, facilitating the permit acquisition process. The sales tax for mixed beverages is 8.25%, while the gross receipt tax, at 6.7%, is included in the beverage price paid by consumers. Both bonds must be renewed annually before December 31st, and our dedicated team ensures a smooth and compliant process for our clients.